Tuesday, September 20, 2005

When the Universe speaks.....

.....I sometimes have no choice but to listen.

First, I set my alarm to wake me up at 6:30, so that I'd have plenty of time to shower, get dressed, have a bite of breakfast, and catch a cab to work. No such luck. Whether I actually turned off the alarm, or simply didn't set it right in the first place, doesn't matter -- I woke up at 8:15, looked at the clock, and thought, "Crap! I was meant to be in the office 15 minutes ago! Crap!" Threw on my clothes (thank goodness I always iron things the night before), threw everything into my bag and out the door I went. Got to the office, and the other guy's flight was delayed, so we didn't get started until 10:00 anyway. Grr....

So, all through the meeting I was sitting in yesterday, in Chicago, all I could think was "I can't wait to get home and see my CBB." When my boss looked up our flights, he saw that my 6:45 flight was cancelled. No worry. I e-mailed the agency, and they booked me on the 8:00. And, I thought to myself, I'll just go get on the standby list for any of the 3 flights before the 8:00. After waiting in far too many lines, I decided that the 8:00 would be just fine, It's get me back at about 9:30, and then I could just pop down and see the CBB (the dog was still in the kennel, so this was a rare opportunity to see him, without worrying about how long it'd been since I'd been home to let the dog out). The flight finally left about 9:10, putting me on the ground at 10:45. Heck, just a little snuggling would be really nice after this day, I'll still scoot down there.

And then I heard it.

The sound of the Universe putting the kibosh on my plans, resonated through the flapping of the tire walls that had just blown out on my rear wheel.

Coincidentally enough (yeah, right -- as if I believe that any of this wasn't Planned), it blew out right before I came up to the exit for the only gas station on the road from the airport. So I pull in, dredge everything out of my trunk (I really do have too much crap in there, I know) and change the tire, Something I knew how to do, but hadn't actually had to put into action before. And since I had Andrew's latest post scrolling through my head, it was much easier, knowing that I was a) not doing this in the freezing snow, and b) doing it all-by-myself.

Feeling like quite the Independent Woman of the World, I was somehow even more anxious to have the Cute Blonde Boy wrap his arms around me with a "Poor baby....I'm sorry your day sucked". Late, but anticipated nonetheless.

The Universe put its foot out and tripped me, by way of 2 different road construction delays/detours. Sigh.

So, I settled for having a nice long phone conversation with my beau as I got myself ready to crash into the blissful oblivion of sleep. He really does just have the nicest laugh, which is really a fabulous sound to have echoing through my head as I drift off to Dreamland. Such a sweetheart he is, too, to put up with my mumblings and bitching, even though there was nothing that he or I could have done to change any of this (well, aside from me agreeing to buy new tires last week, instead of waiting until my budget could accommodate it).

I just don't understand why the Universe felt the need to keep me from him. Unless it was to make me realize how very much I appreciate/dig/adore him.

Like I needed any help with that.


Blogger Nichelle mused...

You are SO mushy!!! ;-)

Tue Sept 20, 01:22:00 pm  

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