Sunday, July 17, 2005

I think I know who the Half-Blood Prince is...

So, I'm taking a break from making my way through the 652 pages of J.K. Rowling's latest installment of the Harry Potter series. I've realized I'm not going to finish the book this weekend, which annoys me just a little. For the 5th book, I went to the book release party just as I did this time (thanks, Katy, for keeping me company!), came home and starting reading, just as I did this time. I read for about 3 hours, I think (this time, I only managed about 45 minutes, which I attribute to my lack of disco nap beforehand). I slept as little as possible, then got up and spent about 8 hours solid on the couch, reading, moving only for nature's calls (mine, and the dog's). This time, however, I had a band gig to attend to about mid-day each day, which ate into the reading time, and also a couple of dates (I think -- still no sparks, but plenty of good conversation).

There's also the little annoyance of my eyes falling shut on me after a couple of hours' worth of reading. I take me sleep very seriously, I LOVE to sleep, but was rather planning to save it all for the nighttime, for a change. Still, I'm about 2/3 done with the book, and still reserving judgment on what Ms. Rowling is doing with a particular character -- I really hope I'm wrong on this one. I think I've figured out who the Half-Blood Prince is (it seems too easy -- am I missing something?), and am sometimes literally yelling at a character or two to get pull their heads out of their arses and wise up.

Just another evening or so, and I'll be done. Then I can re-read the 5th, and then the 6th book again. Ah, crap. Just remembered I've got a book club book to buy and read by Saturday next.

Do you suppose Hermione knows any speed-reading spells?


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