Monday, July 11, 2005

Oh, that zodiac...

So, I went out on a 3rd (or maybe 2nd-and-a-half -- I'm not quite sure) date last night. Lovely conversation, plenty of funny moments, movie, a post-movie drink.....and yet, I'm not entirely certain that this guy really fancies me.

As a Leo, of course, I should assume that of COURSE he fancies me -- who wouldn't? But I expect to be told so, in no uncertain terms. I've been on a couple of dates with another guy -- a fellow Leo -- who has made it quite clear that I am, in fact, a dish. I dont know if that particular partnering could ever turn into a LTR, but at the moment, I don't really care. It's a great time, we have great conversation, and he nibbles my neck. Durrrrrr.....

Now this other fellow -- a Cancer -- would seem to enjoy my company, judging by the fact that he's gone to a baseball game with me (despite the fact that this is not his favourite sport), and offered to have our dogs meet at the dog park, and then suggested a movie later that evening (hence my question as to whether it was a 3rd date, or simply an extension of the 2nd), and suggested hiking next weekend. But getting eye contact from him is tough to do. Now, is that simply becuse he's shy? Or because I'm too direct? Or...? And though we sat through a 2-hour film, and then hung out for an hour or so over a beer, I've had no solid indication that perhaps he might think I'm cute or funny or interesting. I'm really not used to having to fish for these clues, and -- Leo though I am -- I'm not very good at simply coming out and saying "Hey, you're kinda cute -- kiss me, wouldja?"

Let me make it clear that, while I think the way the planets and stars are aligned at the moment of one's birth (and more so, conception), could have a small effect on the development of a person's physiology, how one is brought up, and how one's chemistry develops plays a bigger role in their personality. But you can't deny that so many of us display traits that are ascribed to our sun signs. And as I read the description of a Cancer ("...this sensual man doesn't come at you directly....Cancerians don't rush headlong into anything..."), it seems that I'll need to learn to be more of an aggressor, if I expect anything to come of this. That, or just be patient.

And as you may know, we Leos are not good at being patient. I want the adoration that's due me, and I want it NOW. ;)

Just to clarify, the Cancer (herafter known as Cute Blonde Boy) has confirmed that he does, in fact, fancy me, and the Leo has been out of the picture for some time now. I'm quite happy to call Cute Blonde Boy my beau. *grin*


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